At Courtenay Gardens Primary School our Literacy program is based around a whole school focus on Reading and Writing. It closely follows the CGPS instructional model and expectations of the Department of Education Victorian English Curriculum.
The reading program at CGPS follows the Reading Workshop model, which includes a range of effective reading practices. All students participate in Independent Reading sessions where they can select their Just Right Book and develop the necessary skills and strategies to become lifelong readers. Lessons are guided by mentor texts where we explore the Super 6 + 1 comprehension strategies as well as teaching students strategies for decoding. We encourage students to think more deeply about their reading through focussed sessions such as Guided Reading, Reciprocal Reading, Literature Circles and one-on-one conferences. Each student has a reader’s notebook where they can record their thoughts about what they have read and personal reflections of their progress as readers.
The writing program at CGPS follows the Writer’s Workshop model, allowing students to see themselves as authors. Students are challenged to ensure each piece they create has an authentic purpose and clear audience. Throughout writing lessons students experience a variety of opportunities to write, including one-on-one conferences, uninterrupted, sustained writing times, modelled and shared writing and small focus groups. We use the 6+1 writing traits to guide our instruction, teaching them the skills required to become the amazing writer they aspire to be. We employ the use of mentor texts giving students the opportunity to see these skills used by real writers in real books. Each student has their own personal Writer’s Notebook where they can record their ideas for writing just like real authors do!
Speaking and Listening:
Speaking and listening is central to the Courtenay Gardens Primary School Curriculum and is developed throughout our school, across all curriculum areas. We nurture and develop student’s speaking and listening skills through a variety of approaches: discovery learning, responding to texts, inquiry, partner work, individual conferences, small group tasks and other collaborative learning opportunities. All staff in our school model the use of higher level vocabulary using subject specific terminology.