At Courtenay Gardens Primary School, we have a whole school focus on improving mathematics results and numeracy understandings. Improvement in mathematics is a major focus and a priority area in our school.
We firmly believe that every child can achieve success when given sufficient time and assistance. As dedicated educators, we are committed to achieving this goal through our instructional model. This includes a reflective process for the continuous monitoring and assessment of student progress, to understand the learning needs of our students. We closely track our students by using formative and summative assessment tasks for all children on a regular basis. Year level moderation in teaching teams ensures that we are planning and teaching explicitly for the needs of our children.
We analyse our National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) data and develop a plan as a whole school to focus on areas that need particular attention in our programs. This is reviewed annually.
We ensure all core curriculum of mathematics is being taught including number and algebra, measurement and geometry, and statistics and probability. We explicitly teach times tables and problem solving through differentiated learning and implement a whole/small/whole classroom model in keeping with the Courtenay Gardens Primary School Instructional Model.
We have a whole school approach to problem solving. All grades work on the same problem-solving strategy at the same time in order to develop a common language and consistency across the school. We use a four-step problem solving model throughout the school and have provided consistent support material in every classroom to assist with teaching this area. High quality work that the children have produced is celebrated proudly throughout the school on display boards.
Extensive professional development is provided to all staff in all areas of mathematics.
We deliver this through:
- Peer modelling and peer observation
- Regular professional development sessions at staff meetings
- Teacher self-evaluation and reflection
- Student feedback to teaching staff
- A dedicated mathematics curriculum team that represents all year levels.
Classroom teachers, learning specialists and school support staff cater for all learning styles and student needs in mathematics. This includes students who require additional assistance and support, and those who are working above the expected level.